Covid-19 Madness.
My TFTW this week! With Covid-19 seemingly running wild across the face of the earth and all the measures in place to curb it (ie isolation) Ive got to wonder; Are we going to go back to shaking hands when this is all done? If social distancing is here to stay will we go back to these greetings? What about the cheek kiss seen in other places? Or are these so ingrained that they will immediately return the first chance we get?
Are Handshakes to blame?
I’m certainly not suggesting that handshakes are to blame for our current experience. However I’m guessing it didn’t help. As some of you know I work in sales which means that I shake hands with tons of people through out my day. I’ve even actively watched as professional people scratch their ears, then their nose and then immediately offer that same hand for a handshake. That handshake was then instantly accepted by me, immediately followed by a trip to the restroom to wash my hands. This is the power of this social conditioning. A filthy hand is immediately offered and accepted so we don’t “offend” anyone. Have you ever had you handshake, hug, etc rejected by someone who was kind enough to tell you they had a cold? Did you feel slighted? I certainly hope not. You were probably relieved. I think this wont be as big of a deal as we might think if we simply explain we are foregoing ancient greetings in the face of our new normal.
What am I suggesting?
I don’t think this stuff is going to change over night but we have an opportunity here to create something new. I would like to advocate for a new greeting. Place your had over your heart the next time you greet someone. Give the double guns if you want. Come up with something that’s all your own (what terrific personal branding!). Simply just wave. You can show sincerity without spreading filth. So I ask you: Are we going to go back to shaking hands when this is all done?
Happy dadding everyone!