Stuff to Read: 10% happier by Dan Harris

Stuff to Read; 10% HappierStuff to Read: 10% happier by Dan Harris

As I mention in my title page my journey with Life book leads me to read things that are in line with my monthly focus. Last month focused on my emotional well being. That’s why this months Stuff to Read is “10% happier” by Dan Harris.

Dan Harris is a correspondent for ABC news and has a stressful job to say the least. He started his career for a small TV station in Maine and worked his way up anchoring many of ABC news major programs. he’s covered the news during multiple conflicts around the world, disasters such as hurricane Katrina and even covered religion in America. His public meltdown on t.v. ultimately lead him to pursue meditation and mindfulness as an antidote to the stress of his life.


His book 10% happier was a fantastic read. Dan is a brilliant storyteller and really sets the stage for his journey to mindfulness. Especially as a highly competitive, slightly neurotic, major skeptic. He tells wonderful tales of working through the ranks and egos of a major news organization. The impact of interviewing some of the best names in mindfulness today (Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle) and gives his very honest opinion of his experience with these people.


Along with the entertaining anecdotes are some very useful tips that I have applied myself. I wont spoil it for you but things like RAIN, Meta, and simple breathing have helped me to help myself. It didn’t take long. You can incorporate these things into your life today if you wish. But It was very effective at making me, somewhat happier, calmer, more focused (10% more …. give or take)


If you’re interested in meditation and mindfulness but you’re skeptical; read this book.

Happy Dadding everyone.

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