What I’ve Read:
This month Ive chosen to read “The Whole Brain Child.” by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. I chose this book because I really want to understand how my kids process information in an effort to understand WHY they behave in certain ways (good and bad). It turns out it was exactly what I was looking for!
This book made me a better parent after the first chapter. It outlines how a kids brain processes information along with why tantrums occur, and why they’re just so freakin’ selfish sometimes. This book has helped me understand my children’s limits and abilities. Its helped me to not demand they respond as an adult would. Ultimately it has given me the skills to shorten undesirable behavior and connect with my kids in a deeper and more meaningful way. Together we are building resiliency in each other. For me that’s in the form of patience and understanding and for them the ability to deal with the big emotions that a tiny mind must encounter. If there was ever a parenting manual, this is it!! Please do yourself and your children a favor and READ THIS BOOK!